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The purpose of Myzone is to use technology to help people feel - good about exercise.
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Four Benefits of Flexibility

To stretch or not to stretch? There is no question. The answer is yes, you should! Flexibility (often called “stretching”) provides innumerable benefits from an increasing range of motion, preventing injury, increasing strength (yes, increasing strength—I’ll explain in a moment) to improving performance. Let’s talk about the four big benefits of improving your flexibility.

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Why Carbohydrate is the King for Endurance Performance

Proper nutrition is often the missing link between training and performance gains. There are a lot of nutrition philosophies out there on the topic, but in this article, we’ll highlight the different types of carbohydrates and how they work to fuel your body during different activity intensities.

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Resolution Survival Tip #2: Don’t Quit When You’re Fit: Endurance Training is Key

Here is a metaphor I like using. Let’s consider ourselves as being like a hybrid car using both fat and glycogen to produce energy (in the same way a hybrid car uses both electricity and gas). When you drive your hybrid, it moves by using a mixture of electricity and gas. You want to save the gas as long as possible, otherwise, it will cost you at the pump or make your car stop altogether if you’re not careful!

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Sport Inn Center Sport Inn Center

Resolution Survival Tip #1

Your target heart rate range for weight loss and getting fit is 65%–75% of your maximum heart rate. Your target heart rate range for weight loss and getting fit is 65%–75% of your maximum heart rate. Your max heart rate is easily estimated with a simple equation. Instead of making you work the math you can simply buy our smart ant+,BT and wifi belt  MYZONE. 

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Симни се од тоа лентата за трчање: Имаме подобар тренинг за кондицијa

Што значи тоа “во форма”? Според мејнстрим светски и МК фитнес, тоа е некоја комбинација од способности како: да направиш чатаљон брпи-а, да пузиш низ кал (иако нема кал) или па потната рефлексија од вашите мускули да светка, ѕвездено додека трчате некаде во далечината.

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Start Your Year Right with Spinning®

We’re here to help you survive the doldrums of winter and keep that New Year’s fitness resolution. We will help you stay motivated with some of our favorite personal fitness tips and stories below!

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Proper Form 101

It’s like riding a bike—literally. Spinning® movements correspond to moves you would do on a road bike. The Spinning program focuses on five core movements and three hand positions:

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Heart Rate Training for Weight Loss

Making exercise a part of your life is the most important step one can take toward achieving weight loss goals. But in order to really make your workouts effective, you need to pay attention to your heart. Or, more specifically, your heart rate.

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Will Spinning® Give Me a Big Butt?

Of all the myths surrounding the Spinning® program, this one may be the biggest, no pun intended. Whether your motivation is weight loss, cross training or overall fitness, it’s likely your goal is not to get any bigger—leave that to the guys in the weight room.

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Q: “Is Climbing Making My Legs Bulky?”

One very common question we get asked from our students is, “Is climbing making me bulk up?” Whenever this question is posed to us we give a simple answer, “to ‘bulk up’ or build muscle, you need to work with high loads of resistance, low repetitions and to failure, or perform a long climb with heavy resistance.”

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Tips, Tricks & Treats for a Healthier Holiday Season

With Halloween getting closer and closer, here are some treats and tricks for staving off the sweets and enjoying a healthier holiday season!

Halloween always brings out our greatest fears. They could come from ghost stories told around a campfire or the monsters lurking in your local Halloween attraction. But perhaps the greatest terror of all is right within your arm’s reach. It’s deceptively sweet and full of calories. Yes, it’s the specter of bad eating habits!

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10 Easy Ways to Get and Stay Motivated

If there were dreams for sale, what would you try to buy? No matter what your dream is—find a better job, run a marathon, lose ten pounds, learn a new skill—motivation usually makes the difference between success and failure. These tips and tricks will help you get started:

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Meet Josh Taylor, MSI

Ова е Josh Taylor, мастер инструктор од САД. За среќа неколку сериозни Spinner®-џии имаа можност во живо и заедно да извозиме неколку часа со него. Во продолжение самиот Још ќе се обиде да објасни што е Spinning®, како почнал и до каде е сега. 

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Let's take a look a few years back, when we had an awesome Spinning Experience at the HFWExpo. Spin on!

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SlackFit Challenge 2016

Со преку 60 пријавени, но само 40 селектирани учесници, 15 тренинзи, 7 фотосесии, цела нива брокули и цел кокошарник изедено пилешко, со гордост можеме да ги прогласиме победниците на SLACKFIT предизвикот! 

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HFW Expo 2016

This year the Health, Fitness & Wellness Expo on 23.09.2016 at 17:30ч will be opened with the performance of our prorider Carlos Merayo Garcia!
Carlos is 3 times national champion of Spain, one of the 10 best in the world.

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